
My solutions for Advent of Code 2020 in Python ⭐

Project maintained by benthecoder Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Day 7: Handy Haversacks

You land at the regional airport in time for your next flight. In fact, it looks like you’ll even have time to grab some food: all flights are currently delayed due to issues in luggage processing.

Due to recent aviation regulations, many rules (your puzzle input) are being enforced about bags and their contents; bags must be color-coded and must contain specific quantities of other color-coded bags. Apparently, nobody responsible for these regulations considered how long they would take to enforce!

For example, consider the following rules:

`light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.
muted yellow bags contain 2 shiny gold bags, 9 faded blue bags.
shiny gold bags contain 1 dark olive bag, 2 vibrant plum bags.
dark olive bags contain 3 faded blue bags, 4 dotted black bags.
vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.
faded blue bags contain no other bags.
dotted black bags contain no other bags.

These rules specify the required contents for 9 bag types. In this example, every faded blue bag is empty, every vibrant plum bag contains 11 bags (5 faded blue and 6 dotted black), and so on.

You have a *shiny gold* bag. If you wanted to carry it in at least one other bag, how many different bag colors would be valid for the outermost bag? (In other words: how many colors can, eventually, contain at least one shiny gold bag?)

In the above rules, the following options would be available to you:

So, in this example, the number of bag colors that can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag is *4*.

How many bag colors can eventually contain at least one shiny gold bag? (The list of rules is quite long; make sure you get all of it.)

— Part Two —

It’s getting pretty expensive to fly these days - not because of ticket prices, but because of the ridiculous number of bags you need to buy!

Consider again your shiny gold bag and the rules from the above example:

So, a single shiny gold bag must contain 1 dark olive bag (and the 7 bags within it) plus 2 vibrant plum bags (and the 11 bags within each of those): 1 + 1*7 + 2 + 2*11 = *32* bags!

Of course, the actual rules have a small chance of going several levels deeper than this example; be sure to count all of the bags, even if the nesting becomes topologically impractical!

Here’s another example:

`shiny gold bags contain 2 dark red bags.
dark red bags contain 2 dark orange bags.
dark orange bags contain 2 dark yellow bags.
dark yellow bags contain 2 dark green bags.
dark green bags contain 2 dark blue bags.
dark blue bags contain 2 dark violet bags.
dark violet bags contain no other bags.

In this example, a single shiny gold bag must contain *126* other bags.

How many individual bags are required inside your single shiny gold bag?


import re
import collections

def read_file(file):
    with open(file) as f:
        file =
    return file

def sol_1(inv_rules, color='shiny gold'):
    queue, reachable = collections.deque([color]), set()

    while queue:
        color = queue.pop()
        for c in inv_rules.get(color, []):
            if c not in reachable:

    return len(reachable)

def sol_2(rules, color="shiny gold"):
    return sum(number + number * sol_2(rules, c) for c, number in rules[color].items())

def main():
    rules_file = read_file("input.txt")

    rules, inv_rules = {}, {}

    for rule in rules_file:
        color, cl_rule = rule.split(' bags contain ')
        rules[color] = {color: int(number) for number, color in re.findall(
            '(\d+) (\w+ \w+)', cl_rule)}
        for c in rules[color]:
            inv_rules[c] = inv_rules.get(c, []) + [color]

    print(f'Part 1: {sol_1(inv_rules)}\nPart 2: {sol_2(rules)}')





References / Resources